After an unbelievably warm November, December came in brisk. Welcome!
For many, this is the best time of the year. Whether you like the cold weather, celebrate the holidays, or just get excited as years end and begin anew, this time of year brings great joy and happiness to many.
Personally, I am in agreement that this is the best time of the year. Although I don't celebrate the holidays, I do however love to see people smiling, spending time with those they love, and being more kind to strangers. I know this energy is often short lived. My goal and hope is that with every holiday season, true love, peace, and kindness spreads to more and more people around the world.
Anyway, I just wanted to drop in with a quick note. I intend to share more thoughts with you all this month. Be on the lookout for emails from me. Together, we can raise the frequency of the planet.
I'll be in touch.
With Love,
Lashawn "Suga Ray" Marston
aka World Healer